Database Schema Upgrade

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If you originally install AbleCommerce using SQL Server 2000 and later upgrade your database platform to SQL Server 2005 or later, you may need to upgrade your database schema. This upgrade is to convert database structures that take advantage of newer features in SQL Server, such as the nvarchar(max) field.

Schema upgrade scripts are only available for AC7.0.3 and later. To see whether you require a schema upgrade, go to the Help -> About page in your merchant menu. In the version listing, the version of SQL Server and the version of the AC schema are listed:

MSSQL v2005

This would be an example of an installation that should proceed with the schema upgrade. Note that SQL Server is 2005, while the schema remains at 2000 level. To bring AC SCHEMA up to the 2005 level, follow the steps below:

  1. Create a folder named "Install" in the AbleCommerce installation location
  2. Place the files for the upgrade schema script
  3. Manually access the upgrade script (http://your_url/Install/UpgradeSchema.aspx)
  5. Confirm the backup and submit the request to upgrade the schema

Script Locations

Upgrade Script for AC703

Upgrade scripts are also included with the full distribution in the "Install" folder.

External References

Bug 7924: Database Schema Upgrade Script should recognize and adjust to SQL versions