WebPage links from category page

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Revision as of 06:00, 10 September 2008 by Mazhar (Talk | contribs)

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How to make the webpages display in a category on customer side?


If you have some webpages or have some dedicated category containing only the webpages and wants to make them visible to customers exploring that category. Then you have to change the display page for that category. In order to do this you have to do the following tasks

1)- Login as admin to the store.

2)- Navigate to store side.

3)- Locate and open the category containing the webpages.

4)- Select Mode: Edit Page at the bottom of the page in browser window

5)- Select Display Page: value from one of the bellow

    * Category Grid (Shallow Item Display) (CategoryGrid2.aspx) 
    * Category Grid (Deep Item Display) With Add To Basket (CategoryGrid3.aspx)
    * Category Grid (Shallow Item Display) With Category Data (CategoryGrid4.aspx)

6)- Now you will see that webpages will be available within that category.


Originally posted in forums by michaelg http://forums.ablecommerce.com/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=8176