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<rev user="Mazhar" timestamp="2016-08-24T06:51:14Z" comment="/* AbleCommerce Gold */" contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve"><big>'''Welcome to the AbleCommerce Developers Wiki'''</big>
This wiki contains extra documentation that is geared toward advanced customization and development tasks using the AbleCommerce shopping cart.
== AbleCommerce Gold ==
* [[AbleCommerce Gold Code Differences]]
* [[Look and Feel Customization - AC Gold]]
* [[Feature Customization - AC Gold]]
* [[Database - AC Gold]]
* [[Data Access Layer - AC Gold]]
* [[Upgrading from AC 7.0.X]]
* [[AbleCommerce Gold Web Api]]
* [[FedEx Connector for AbleCommerce Gold]]
* [[Override Default Services Implementation for AC Gold]]
* [[Integrating Google Search API to AC Gold]]
* [[Custom Field Collections for All Entities]]
* [[Extension less URLs and custom error pages]]
== AbleCommerce 7x ==
* [[Look and Feel Customization - AC7]]
* [[Feature Customization - AC7]]
* [[Database - AC7]]
* [[Data Port Utility]]
* [[Data Port Utility FAQ]]
== Common Topics ==
* [[CommerceBuilder API]]
* [[Development Resources]]
* [[Third Party Integrations]]
* [[Running Your Store]]
* [[Search Engine Optimization]]
* [[Misc Tips]]
== External Links (AbleCommerce websites)==
* []
* [ Help documentation and frequently asked questions]
* [ Community forums]
* [ AbleCommerce Blog - Learn more...Sell more]
* [ Facebook page]
* [ Search All Sites]
If you find anything posted in violation of the [[Guidelines]] please edit it or [ let us know].</rev>